Desire And The Ancient New Dream

When the horses wellbeing is the most important thing for a horse guardian, it can feel conflicting to have a desire or a dream. I have been coming to terms with this for a long time. The last few months have been a wonderful swirling fruition of lifetimes. Neatly dropping so many aspects and ideas into perfect alignment. The perfect words from Source have arrived, and my readiness to absorb them. And I have so much eagerness for where we can go now as a herd. We are all so joyfully invested in this lifetime together. 

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We Are The Eyes of the Universe

A beautiful shining truth illuminated my mind recently… We are the eyes of the Universe! It is strange the way words are containers for meaning, and sometimes, depending on your perspective at any moment, they seem empty. Other times they are so full. They somehow capture the elusive, yet all encompassing light of all that is.

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Death of the Survival Paradigm

This week the herd and I have been continuing to explore our relationship. Every interaction we have is about this. Purposefully tuning into the interactions between us, releasing their parameters to change, this is the path that has opened for us. The latest subject which has arisen is the survival paradigm. Is it the blueprint for our relationship with horses? Survival is not only about whether you have enough food to eat. It is a perspective.. a belief system that shapes existence itself. 

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