Giving the Horses Back Their Power

Over the summer we have been facilitating a profound transmission as a herd. Giving the horses back their power has been an unfolding energetic process. First recognising the human projection that has arisen as a result of the control paradigm we exercise over our equine dependents. Then after the projection was resolved, the horses’ power … Read more

Dissolving The Separation of Riding

Dissolving the separation of riding in vibrational terms, has been unfolding in our herd over the last few months. It occurred to me one day when I was with the horses how different it feels to be with a horse on the ground and then on their back riding. Two different worlds, yet the same beings. Perhaps this exploration was prompted through our subtle energetic dialogue, either way I began to question it. Some things are so entrenched in our consciousness they develop an insidious nature where they can hide from our sight. This blind spot was ready to be seen, and it has been a beautiful unfolding.

When I say it feels different to be on the ground and on top of a horse, I mean the connection between us. That the relationship when we are both standing on the earth in full sight of each other and aware of our reciprocal expressions has a certain openness. We can gaze into each others eyes, we can hopefully feel free to behave as we wish towards each other. There is a clear space where energies can meet and influence each other. Often if our interactions are loving and trusting. Ans so this grounded element of the relationship is relatively straightforward. There are two beings and they can meet up as they are led to. Yet that all changes when we climb on their back.

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Golden Surrender

Golden surrender is a state of being I have been blessed to come into, in the company of the horses. We didn’t create it, because it was already there.

Sometimes being human feels like a conflict between the power of my mind and the openness of my heart. I know that if I allow my mind to run unchecked, making up a story, it will have the power to influence my feelings. Is this the habit of western society, where there are hardwired patterns of thought that keep some people ensnared their whole lives? Patterns of thought like success is how much money you can make and how many others you can influence, or how many objects you can own.

Over time it becomes clearer that this route of the mind doesn’t really offer fulfilment. It seems to, because at each external success there is enough of a boost to take us to the next challenge. The joy is limited however, because there are so many conditions attached. And the conditions tend to multiply with experience! In other words we need more and more evidence in our lives that we are succeeding in order to feel happy.

golden surrender

Although I feel that I have understood the lack of authenticity in this pathway for a long time, understanding is not quite the same as fully living the authentic pathway. Yet this is where the horses are leading me.

Being with the horses isn’t about thinking or deriving joy from an identity. It is a multi sensory experience of living, and opening my heart to it is the way in. Every resistance that arises is met with a gentle, yet pervasive coherence. Just like water. Soaking, filling and teasing apart the superficial web of what is not true.

The truth is that we are already joy, and nothing else is necessary to experience it. Only an opening heart.

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The Portal of Grace

The Portal of Grace is a space we can open between us, humans and herds, and beautiful gifts flow through. The external uncertainty of this process we are in as a herd is a constant reminder to trust my inner guidance. Every time I look outside for results that can reassure, or ideas that can provide resolution, I don’t really find much! Except of course for the clear love and glowing happiness in the horses to tell me nothing is missing.

One time when I was with the horses, I felt the imbalance of me perceiving myself as in front of the herd, trying to be the responsible party, to assume leadership. There was a clear energetic process as I felt my Self that was sticking out in front melting and dissolving. Then there was a sense of us all aligning into the frontier that is moving forward. We are all moving forward as one, bringing this in.

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What Is Vibrational Creation

Why I Chose To Listen

Vibrational Creation is a phrase that has been coming into my mind recently to describe the journey with my herd. About six years ago we decided to put a more conventional training approach aside, and focus on our energetic communication alone. One of the most important intentions I started out with was to respect the horses wishes at every stage. I didn’t want our dialogue to be only for special occasions, or forgotten about when something else became more important. This is why we were able to attract a situation where we had the freedom to do that.

The listen in every moment approach feels so important because there were so many times previously I felt that I had to push over boundaries to achieve a connection. For example, ignoring when a horse didn’t want to come in the field to be ridden, or when I was about to mount and they were saying no. The same moments came when trimming feet or tending to a wound. There were always times when I would smooth over or jolly past that no

Despite enjoying the freedom of deciding to both listen and respond to what I hear, I am not saying that it is right, or the only way. In certain circumstances now I still do that. For example with our boarder who is being ridden more conventionally. If he feels a little uninspired, I help him to feel curious, and he enjoys our session. There is definitely a place for being the guiding light and a leader. Especially if your intention is still in the horse’s and their guardians best interests.

A New Way

I didn’t choose to listen to my horse’s opinions because I think it is always wrong not to.

I chose it because I know there is something to learn from horses. Something big and powerful and transformative. Something I can’t see the edges of yet. And yet I knew that if I listened deeply enough, and allowed the dialogue to flow enough, and expanded my horizons enough, we would go there together.

I also know that these particular horses have chosen this role. It is why they insist on certain things. They are creating a new pathway for all horses to choose to follow or not, but clearly it isn’t the right or the only way.

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