Please donate if you feel that you have received in some way from my work. Even in the smallest amount, is greatly appreciated and lovingly received.

My life here is devoted to bringing well-being, both to the animals and the humans I meet. Listening to the horses and absorbing their perspective. Sharing this in a way which enables people to feel safer and more accepted by their horses. I love to assist others in awakening their inner abilities to sense the energetic dialogue between them and their horse. There is no separation. We are already connected with all of nature and awakening to that is a gift given to all of us.

Although I do believe this work is very valuable to human consciousness and animal welfare, I also want it to be available to everyone who is inspired by it. This is why do my best to be generous with my time and resources. I have been so blessed to have been given so much help from so many wonderful people, including my deeply supportive husband.
Let us be part of a new movement to flow more financial abundance into areas where love is the focus, in this way we can change our world.
Dear Camille, Thank you for the beautifuly healing work you do with horses and humans.
with love
Thank you so much Joanna, it is such a profound joy to heal with you 💛