Herd Assisted Healing

Since my sister Gabrielle came to continue her healing process with the herd here, we have an opportunity to explore herd assisted healing in an unprecedented way. Last year our lives changed dramatically when the accident happened. Both of us feel that this phase of that change is deeply in alignment with our soul purpose.

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Resetting The Life Spring

Some of the energetic sessions I have been blessed to experience for Gabrielle have been truly miraculous. Resetting the life spring was the name that came to me for what happened one day. It it was a genuine integration of all the dimensions. I was walking with my dogs, and I was called to visit the phenomenal tree in person. The session happened so deeply within the energetic connection that I had difficulty remembering what happened and putting it into words. 

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The Answers are Always Within

The answers are always within ourselves. Everything that happens in the external world is a ripple, an echo, a reflection of what is happening in the energetic world. The energetic world is who we are. We only reach into the physical world for a time. Becoming aware of this is the same as becoming aware of our body. Where the spirit becomes biology. 

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