Dissolving The Separation of Riding

Dissolving the separation of riding in vibrational terms, has been unfolding in our herd over the last few months. It occurred to me one day when I was with the horses how different it feels to be with a horse on the ground and then on their back riding. Two different worlds, yet the same beings. Perhaps this exploration was prompted through our subtle energetic dialogue, either way I began to question it. Some things are so entrenched in our consciousness they develop an insidious nature where they can hide from our sight. This blind spot was ready to be seen, and it has been a beautiful unfolding.

When I say it feels different to be on the ground and on top of a horse, I mean the connection between us. That the relationship when we are both standing on the earth in full sight of each other and aware of our reciprocal expressions has a certain openness. We can gaze into each others eyes, we can hopefully feel free to behave as we wish towards each other. There is a clear space where energies can meet and influence each other. Often if our interactions are loving and trusting. Ans so this grounded element of the relationship is relatively straightforward. There are two beings and they can meet up as they are led to. Yet that all changes when we climb on their back.

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Releasing Fear with Quaramba

Isn’t it funny how you can experience something in so many little ways, and yet it hides in plain sight. It isn’t ready to blossom fully into the level of realisation that requires a shift. And yet the journey to get there is utterly perfect. As gradually understanding aligns with the readiness to embrace it. In this case my readying has taken years, maybe even lifetimes. My realisation concerns Quaramba, and releasing her fear. And this process is infused with such love and support, which allowed the portal to become fully crystallised for us both.

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Herd Assisted Healing

Since my sister Gabrielle came to continue her healing process with the herd here, we have an opportunity to explore herd assisted healing in an unprecedented way. Last year our lives changed dramatically when the accident happened. Both of us feel that this phase of that change is deeply in alignment with our soul purpose.

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Choice Is Waiting For You

Choice is such a fundamental part of the horse human connection. We are in the process of expanding ourselves so that we can offer choice to the horses in our lives. And in this there is the vastness of letting go of limitations, assumptions and agendas, including awakening to whether the horses remember what it is to choose. The choice I have been acknowledging recently however, is my own. Have you considered the value of your ability to choose?

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Embracing The Process

It seems that one of the essential elements in life is embracing the process without judgment or attachment. The first step in this is to understand that there is a process, that it is intelligent, and that supporting the transformation is the most powerful tool we have. Because as humans we have become smart, we think a lot and we decide that we know what is right, the processes all around us are often not allowed to unwind.

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