I Am Not The Trainer

Maybe it is possible to work with horses without being a trainer. Perhaps it is truer to say that we are all trainers, leaders and guides for each other. Could it be that the true trainer is the Universe itself, and we are all here to offer our individual gift. A gift which unfolds the whole process of bringing Oneness here fully on earth. The further we enter as a herd into the framework of training the clearer this integration becomes.

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Revealing the Mystery of Engagement

One aspect that is coming to light with what I am doing with the horses is the subtlety of the connection. It makes it difficult for people to see, and so its existence and value is easily overlooked. This is challenging because as with holographic drawings, once you can see it, it leaps out at you. Revealing engagement, how it manifests within the relationship and how transformative it is, feels deeply important for the welfare of horses in general. It is actively therapeutic and offers a way to expand and sophisticate our partnership without the exploitation which is so common in training and riding horses.  

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Going Forward Now

Going forward now, in this present moment, is embracing everything about horses. It acknowledges how they express themselves and what they choose. And within that, discovering my own own ability to perceive and engage and join in. This last swing of the spiral has dug deeper than ever into the stubborn conditioning that limits my mind. What an unwinding this is! 

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